Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Arizona Trip - Day 3

Brandon, Baylee, Abbee, Kalyssa and Will woke up early to swim one last time. Then I attended the Farm Bureau Luncheon with Brandon while the twins took a nap and the older kids hung out and watched TV in our room. We kept a cell phone with them and they did really well.
Paisley broke out with a staph infection again and needs an antibiotic asap. So Brandon took her to the doctor while I took the rest of the them to the Kids Culinary Activity. 

We went to the Blue Sage Restaurant in the resort to meet up with one of the chefs. The activity was decorating cupcakes.

The chef asked Will, "Do you want white frosting or chocolate?" He pointed to the chocolate and said, "Black." :)

She loaded a napkin with the toppings he chose to decorate with.

Abbee wanted an all chocolate cupcake.

The chef holds the top and the kids get to squeeze the bottom.

Will topped his cupcake with blueberries and raspberries... not because he likes them, but only cause he likes the colors blue and red. And he used a few green M&M's.

The girls were really creative with how they decorated their cupcakes.

The chef put them in a clear container and so they could take and eat them later. There was a lot left over, so I made an extra one for Brandon.

We went back to the Family Escape Center to play. Emmy is crying cause she wants to run around, not take a picture.

The kids played Wipe Out on the Xbox Kinect, played with the iPads, and ate more candy from the Mini Snack Bar.

Will did pretty well on his game.

We went outside to play with the sports equipment. Will kept rolling down the hill.

Abbee and Baylee played Ladder Ball. The Family Center closes at 5pm... we went to the Cafe to get our 6 free smoothies we got from our waiter Mark the other night. They were so delicious!

Brandon got back from the doctor, then he and I went to the Banquet Dinner at the Conference Center. The twins napped again while the kids hung out and played games in the room. During the dinner the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate the building. Luckily, our room was in a separate building. We called the kids and no alarm went off over there. Turns out someone pulled the alarm right before they could announce who the discussion meet winner was at the banquet.
Anyhow, the kids kept texting Brandon during dinner. I guess there was a little drama between the 3 older girls. When we got back Brandon took them to get a movie and let them know we appreciate and love them tons! It's our last night in this little room together... I'd say we survived just fine. :)

While they were getting a movie, I let my 3 little monkeys jump on the bed.

Paisley still had her hospital bracelet on. Brandon said the hospital in Phoenix seems like a prison. They search you at the door and their is bullet proof glass everywhere. He said, "Its a good thing I took Paisley instead of you. You would've been scared." I'm sure he's right. He said it was a really run down part of town.

But I'm so glad Paisley has medicine. Staff infection runs rapid and spreads on her fast within 24 hours.

We all fell asleep to the movie and are excited to see my family tomorrow in Mesa.

Feb 10, 2013