Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

34 Weeks

I saw my doctor again today. She can only check the heartbeats on her ultrasound machine and they were perfect. Babies don't seem to be under stress at all. Baby "A" is still head down and Baby "B" is still breech... which is fine, and we can plan for a regular delivery. She wasn't going to check me today, but I asked her to. I'm so glad she did, cause I'm dilated to 2 centimeters and am 50% thinned out. She decided not to wait on the Strep B test and gave me that in case I don't make it to my next appt. I wasn't scheduled for another 2 weeks to see her, but she said I need to be weekly now. I'm the perfect candidate to be induced at 37 weeks but she said I won't make it that long and that I can go into labor at any time.
I'm so excited!!!

I only have a picture of Baby "B" from this appointment. It's a straight shot of her cute face. She has chubby cheeks! You can also see one eye, her button nose and lips.

How's Mama? I'm still hanging in there!!! July 29th we were headed to Heber for Baylee's Jackpot weekend with her lamb. For an hour, I was having pretty hard and regular contractions. I was about to go to the hospital, but once we arrived at the fair grounds and I got out of the truck, I had one more good contraction then they suddenly stopped. That was a little false labor scare for sure! And I've had many contractions before and since then, but nothing regular enough to call active labor. I have a ton of lower belly pressure, so I feel like I'm waddling around the house a lot, but I try not to in public. Haha... I'm a little self-conscious about that. It's getting SO SO hard to move from one side to the other at night in bed. The babies are about 10 pounds of awkward weight. Feels like my spine is going to snap in two when I try to move sometimes, and it hurts! :/ Oh well... I'm still exercising 6 days a week and all is the same. The last 10 minutes on the treadmill is pretty uncomfortable, but I push through it cause it needs to get done! I've been given no limitations throughout my pregnancy, and it's been so good... so now we're just waiting for them to arrive. All is well. :)

Aug 10, 2011