Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

36 1/2 Weeks

Here is a side profile of Baby "B"

I had my last big ultrasound appointment today. I only get them every 4 weeks and I didn't think I'd make it to this apptointment, but these twins aren't here yet! :/ It's Wednesday today... I just saw my doctor on Monday, she thought I should keep this appointment to find out the weight of the twins to make sure one wasn't tons bigger than the other and that everything was still okay. And they are okay! Baby "A" is still head down and weighs 5lbs 10oz. Baby "B" is transverse again (sideways) and weighs 5lbs 13oz. Her heartbeat is always a little slower than Baby "A"s, but still in the normal range. There is plenty of amniotic fluid around each baby which makes it real easy for Baby "B" to be flipping around like she does. We're going to check the position of both babies next Monday morning to see if I'll need a c-section or not before I'm induced. Only 5 more days of being pregnant! Woot! Woot! Carrying 12 pounds of baby is something I'm not use to... and it's tough! :)

Aug 24, 2011