Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Welcome Home Girls

Day 3 in the hospital... we just need to wait for the Pediatrician to come check on the twins and give the okay to head home.

 Brandon and I packed up while we waited and took pictures of the girls. I still can't believe they're twins! They look so different!

I was holding Paisley... Brandon took pictures of Emmy while she was on his lap and holding his thumb.

 Her cheeks are so big it makes her mouth crooked while she's on her side. haha
Dr. Church came around 1 o'clock and we left the hospital about an hour later. A ton of strangers made comments to us while we walked out of the hospital... "WOW, Two?"... "Twins?!"

 Shannon & Mythanne made this cute "Welcome Home" sign for our front window.

Paisley & Emmy in their car seats minutes after arriving home... Here we go... let the fun begin!

Mary brought Kalyssa and William home soon after. Makayla meets her cousin for the first time. Kids under 13 years old weren't aloud to visit us in the hospital if they're not siblings.

Taylee & Emmy

Aug 31, 2011