Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Weber County Fair 2011

I had a doctor appointment this morning so I missed Baylee showing her lamb for the Junior Market Lamb Show. Brandon said she did very well and Buddy took 2nd place. Baylee got a blue ribbon. Usually second place ribbons are red... we're not sure why they gave out blue to second place winners. Baylee is happy with herself and how she placed in this year's fair. The 4 Jackpots she participated in over the summer has helped her gain experience... all in preparation for the fair. The better placing you get at the fair, the more money you're likely to get for your lamb at the auction.

I made it in time to watch her for Junior Showmanship and got some photos.

There was so many in Junior Showmanship category, so the judge picked the top 4 in each round to come back all together at the end to compete against each other. Baylee was his first pick in her round.

Here, she is back for the final Showmanship round. The judge watches the participants lead their lamb around the arena and how they "set-up".

The judge asked every kid if they knew what breed their lamb was... He caught Baylee off guard and she didn't know the answer. Afterward, we found out that her lamb is a Hampshire lamb. You never know what the judge will ask. Baylee didn't place in Showmanship this year, but her lamb got 8th place overall for Market Lamb which means she is 8th in line for the auction. She sold Buddy for $608, and then received $315 in boost money... which is a little less than last year, but still VERY well for a summer of working hard with Buddy! All the fair money she earns every year, we put into her savings account for her to use when she's older... either towards her first car, or she can use it for college. After only 2 years in 4-H, she has a very decent amount saved. Abbee is old enough to start showing lambs next year with Bay... she is excited.

Baylee's fair poster her and I made to display with her ribbon above her lamb's holding pin. 

Way to go Baylee!!! :)

Aug 10, 2011