Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

36 Weeks

After staying overnight in the hospital last friday, my doctor said she wanted to see me on Monday. So I went in today, and she gave me an ultrasound and both babies are head down now! Totally shocked and it's a miracle! You can see the two circles side by side in this picture. They haven't both been head down this whole pregnancy and now all the sudden they're ready. Which means I don't need a c-section at this point, unless they move again, or complications arise during labor & delivery. I had a non-stress test, where they monitor the babies heartbeats and any contractions I'm having for 20 minutes. Both babies are doing great and don't seem to be under any stress. Doctor said they're really happy in there.

I felt a lot of peace leaving the doctors office today. It was a good reminder that the Lord has his hand in all things and that everything is going to be okay.

How's Mama? I feel pretty good. I still walk 2 miles a day, 6 days a week... at 4 mph. I'm so blessed to be able to do that at this point. I have contractions ALL the time lately, but nothing too intense that I need to go to the hospital. I'm dilated to a 4 now and 80% thinned out. My doctor just wanted me to wait until I'm 37 weeks pregnant to be induced. I'm 37 weeks on Saturday, so we scheduled my induction appointment for Monday, August 29th at 8am. I'm so excited!!!

Aug 22, 2011