Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Franklin Basin

Day 1:
For the past couple years we've gone camping over the 4th of July weekend with the Hatch family. This year we went to Franklin Basin, and it was so beautiful. I've never camped there before. And we had all 6 of our kids which makes it an even more awesome camping trip. :)
Russ & Mitzi brought their baby swing and the twins loved it!!! It was a fabulous idea to bring it. 

Sweet Emmy Lou & Baylee by the campfire. 

Going for a ride! There was a huge herd of sheep across the dirt road from us in a big meadow with trees behind it. You can see it in the background of this picture. I didn't get a pic of the sheep, but there was probably over 1,000 of them. We could hear them baaa-ing in the night. 

Will is smiling big. This is why he loves camping... for the 4-wheeler rides!

Kalyssa and Abbee started a puzzle.

The twins are asleep, so Brandon grabbed me for a 4-wheeler ride. We rode to a trail we went on for our anniversary to find the tree we carved "B+J '10" in. I didn't bring my camera, but we found it and it looks great 2 years later. :)

Kim & Kurt, Russ sleeping, Diane & Estella in the bottom corner.

Grandma Mitzi and Willie went for a walk and he brought me back some flowers.

Kalyssa, Kristin, and Bay watching Willie and Brandon ride around.

Me & Emmy

William riding his 4-wheeler. He still can't grab the brakes with his little hands and about went down a huge bank behind our camp. We all went running over there and he turns real sharp to save himself and was fine, but Brandon had Bay jump on the back and ride with him after that.

Me & Kalyssa going for a ride together.

The girls were cold the first night here sleeping in the back of the truck even with the shell on it. Kristin and Jess arrived today with their huge tent so the girls slept in there with them and had a blast telling funny stories.

Brandon and Jess stayed up talking while everyone else went to bed. 
July 6th

Day 2:
Karen and her 2 daughters came to join us today. Emmy & Codie... Codie loved the twins and played with them a lot. :)

Kalyssa and Paisley are making the same face. haha

Russ getting his hands dirty mixing up the meatloaf ingredients. 

Brandon cooking the meatloaf and potatoes in the dutch ovens.

All the gals playing Bunko and having a riot... they were so loud laughing and having a great time, cause there was prizes to be won. :)

Jess & Brandon still tending to dinner while the girls played games.

Baylee & Paisley. Paisley was NOT sleeping well during the night for some reason. I think her teeth are hurting her, so Brandon and I were tired with her keeping us up. I had to go for a run this morning to relieve some stress! 

Brandon with Emmy, & Russ sitting by the campfire. 

I don't know why, but the kids played on this trailer a lot. 

EVERYONE left for a 4-wheeler ride to Bear Lake and I stayed at camp with my 3 little kids, so Mama took pictures and we watched a movie. 

Our empty camp... :)

Willie always gets SO SO dirty!

They all had a short ride cause Brandon went too fast & lost everyone, so he came back, and another 4-wheeler got a flat tire, so it ended the trip for everyone else quickly. They never made it to Bear Lake. We all sat around the campfire and Brandon chased around Will & Cooper to lasso them with this rope. 

We packed up after breakfast the next morning to head for home. It was such a good time with our family in Franklin Basin!

Jul 7, 2012