Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Cherry Hill Resort

My Dad, Paula and Kysson are here visiting us from Arizona, so we spent the day at Cherry Hill Resort.

Abbee, Nate, Mary, and Dad cooling down.

Paisley with Grandma Paula in the kiddie pool.

Baylee & Abbee watch Emmy splash in the water.

Willie swimming around in the kiddie pool.

Hanging out with the twins.

Paisley is splashing water in her face. Haha... my baby girl is so cute!

There was 4 of these little water fountains... Will loved them.

Emmy doesn't get as crazy as Paisley does in the water... she just chills. :)

Me and Emmy Lou

Abbee and Baylee eating lunch

Kalyssa and Taylee take a break to eat lunch too.

Mary is almost 8 months pregnant and is super cute!

Nate takes Will down the rapids on tubes.

I'm surprised... Willie didn't fall off his tube and he loved it.

Nate, Will, and Bay

Taylee and Kalyssa swam in the pool most of the day.

Goggle Gals!

Paisley fell asleep chewing on her blanket while my Dad tickled her face.

Mid-day... time to relax.

Emmy is napping in the stroller... and sweating.

Makayla just went down the slide.

She is exploring the pirate ship.

Will got out of the water long enough to check out the ship too.

Brandon got off work and met us here in the afternoon! He took Emmy in the Lazy River... its a huge whirlpool. Every time water splashed in Emmy's face she would pucker up like this.... it was so funny. She floated around in this for an hour... and loved it! We tried this earlier and she freaked when water got in her face... but a nap fixed her mood.

Mary and Makayla in the Lazy River.

Nate and Will go under the waterfall.

Kysson, Dad and Paisley. We are watching everyone float in the Lazy River. Kysson would take off a lot to swim in the pool. I think it was his favorite. :)

Kalyssa and Taylee floated by...

Kysson and Me... 
Kysson is my cute nephew that I don't see very often... I was so happy he came to Utah too.

Dad and Paisley grabbed a tube in the Lazy River.

Dad & Paula went for a pizza run and brought it back for us all to eat dinner.

Mmmm... I love pizza!

 Paisley got super messy enjoying this sucker. Drool was dripping down her chest, elbows and legs like a faucet.

Bay & Will
Will has never been in a pool before... only the kiddie pools that are 2 feet deep. I got him to go in the pool with me and he was scared at first, but rode on my back as I walked around the shallow end. Then I showed him how to inch himself along the wall to the deep end, and he got brave enough to jump off the edge into my arms in the pool. He did that over and over and over! Then we went back to the shallow end and he would doggy paddle from the steps to me a few feet away. I had to watch him super close, he was swimming non-stop... a couple times I turned my head and looked back, and his life jacket made him turn belly-up and he'd start to panic. He was having a great time and is a little fish! :) Brandon and Baylee found us and started to swim with us too, so I went to get my camera.

Willie looks like a flying squirrel. Haha.

Kalyssa and Taylee... STILL swimming in the pool. :)

Dad and the Twins.

Will finally fell asleep in Brandon's arms and we laid him down.

lol... Brandon going down the rapids.

Brandon and Bay

Emmy fell asleep again. 
The rest of my family left a little early, but me and Brandon are staying with our kids until closing time.

Brandon with our kids in the Lazy River... Will woke up and went back for more swimming.

There they go... floating by...

Kalyssa is under the water floating on her back...


Brandon and Will. Will was shivering to death, so we got him out to dry off. Cherry Hill was closing soon... Brandon and Bay ran over to the Rapids to go for one last ride.

Kalyssa's wrinkled feet after swimming all day long. :)

Jul 23, 2012