Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Baylee * Abbee * Kalyssa * William * Paisley * Emmy

Pumpkin Maze

Kalyssa's first field trip of the year was at the Pumpkin Maze. The school usually asks that we don't bring younger siblings to field trips, but this time they could go!

Kaden and Will buddy up as soon as we arrive.

Kalyssa and her friend eat pizza for lunch.

Kalyssa and Will

I didn't volunteer to have a group of 3rd graders cause I had the twins and Will to worry about. But one of the Moms didn't show up, so Kalyssa's teacher gave me 4 kids I was in charge of to walk through the pumpkin maze with. They listened okay, so it worked out. :)

Will had a great time with the two boys in our group.

Me and my kids in the maze. We couldn't walk through the narrow rows with the stroller. It was kinda tough mowing over the corn with the twins, but we did it.

Kalyssa's class with their teacher, Miss Nopper.

We moved to the games next.

Will tossed a bean bag in the jack-o-lantern...

...and ran over to tell me.

The best for last... they had a blast on the slides!

Me and Paizzy watched and ate gold fish crackers.

The kids run up the stairs to go back down the slide... over and over.

Kalyssa and Will are at the top waiting for their turn.

They are brave now and go down on their stomachs.

Miss Nopper is a fun teacher and goes down on her stomach with the kids in her class. She screamed on the way down... it was funny.

The twins check out the pig's button eyes.

Emmy likes this horse.

William and Paisley's turn to sit on the horses.

Kaden and Will are playing again.

Haha... Will gives the cow a kiss... Kaden picks the cow's nose.

While Kalyssa is lining up with her class to get back on the bus, Will puts his face through all the displays...

He's a little short for some of them. :)

Back to school she goes! Bye-Bye Kalyssa!

Oct 24, 2012